A similar story takes place every year for metal fabrication workers who say to themselves an injury will never happen to me. Do not fret; we cover the hazards found across all four metal fabrication industries and make some helpful safety gear recommendations below.
自从多年前流星撞击地球以来, 在地表留下铁矿, 人类注定要使用伟大的金属物品. 古希腊人相信赫菲斯托斯, 负责所有的金属加工, 谁用铁矿石创造了伟大的金属物品. 正如埃斯库罗斯所说,“意志出自宙斯之手,出自赫菲斯托斯之手”. 罗马人相信火神,负责所有的金属加工和锻造.
Well, we at newbb电子平台安全 don’t partake in ancient metalworking beliefs or practices; however, 我们致力于保护当今金属工人的双手. 毕竟,这是我们的工作,我们保护人民! 赫菲斯托斯或火神, 你可以考虑一下我们的Diamond Dyneema手套, 强度是钢铁的15倍.
Look around you, it is evident man's hands are responsible for creating a world filled with metal. 从武器, 到汽车, 到像埃菲尔铁塔这样的伟大建筑, 一直到为我们的智能手机供电的铜材料, 有金属存在.
用这么多手创造金属制品, 而不仅仅是赫菲斯托斯或瓦肯的手, 有些人自己负责保护金属工人. 这就是newbb电子平台安全进入画面的地方,保护超过1.金属加工行业的400万工人.
Metalworking essentially involves working with metal to create individual parts. 它通常包含三种类型之一: 成型、切割和连接. 如上所述, 这个过程可以追溯到希腊和古代, 当伟大的铁匠制造青铜武器时. 在现代社会, there are four primary 金属加工 industries where metalworking is present: 采购产品锻造/冲压,机械车间,钣金工厂,和结构金属.
金属加工业分行业 | 可记录的伤害案例 |
锻造和冲压 | 6 |
预制金属建筑和组件制造 | 6 |
定制滚压成形 | 5.6 |
钣金加工 | 5.6 |
装配式结构金属制造 | 5.4 |
金属制造的平均可记录伤害案例是4.每100名工人4名. 超过26%的伤害发生在锻造和冲压行业, 我们将专门为这些工人提供个人防护装备. 在整个金属制造行业,你会发现 Metalworkers, 机械师, Structural Steel 制造商, Machine tool cutting operators, and welders. The common theme for all these workers is that they face hazardous working conditions.
无论进行何种金属加工, 也面临着类似的危险,需要个人防护装备(newbb电子). With that said, each worker faces some unique hazards pertinent to their specific task. 例如, 装配式结构金属工人大多是焊接工人, whereas machinists working in machine shops are highly concerned with flying metal objects.
Here are some of the other top occupations found in the 金属加工 industry:
单击某个职业展开并了解更多信息.组装成品,连同零部件. 有超过1个.全美有800万人从事装配和制造工作. 你会发现这些工人在组装螺栓, 使用许多不同类型的工具, 搬运重的部件. 金属制造行业大约有13万名这样的工人.
操作机器锥度,形状和成形金属. 大约有17000名工人从事这一职业. You will find these workers removing dies, forging hammers and moving metalwork pieces. 这个职位常见的头衔是伪造者, 铁匠, 锤运营商, 锻压操作工.
操作研磨工具去除多余的金属材料或毛刺. 其中26000名工人在金属制造业. You will find these workers sharpening edges and corners, along with polishing metal. Common Job titles for this position are Deburrer, Finisher, Grinder, and Grinding Operator.
操作车床和车床进行车削, bore, 螺纹和成形金属, 比如电线, rod, 或者棒材. 大约有14000名这样的工人. 你会发现它们在替换磨损的工具, 磨钝刀具,使用磨刀机. 这个职位常见的职位名称是螺旋机操作员, 将操作符, 车床安装人员.
操作切割机和成型机. 大约有6%的劳动力从事这一职业. 金属加工行业大约有10.7万名这样的工人. Common Job titles for this position are CNC Machine setter, CNC machinist, and CNC Operator. 接触危险设备对这个工人来说一直是个问题.
手动搬运物料进行一般劳动. . 这些工人中约有47,000人在金属加工行业. 你会发现这些人将码头和材料装载到生产区域.
Operate machines to coat metal or plastic products to protect or decorate surfaces, 与铬, zinc, copper, cadmium, 或镍. 金属制造业大约有22000名这样的工人. 你会发现他们将金属工件浸入涂层溶液中. Common job titles for this position are Anodizer, Chrome Plater, Plater, and Coater Operator.
制造,定位,对准和配合结构金属产品零件. 有36个多一点,这些工人中有000人从事金属制造业, 超过25人,000个结构金属. 你会发现他们定位焊接部件和移动部件到位. 这个职位常见的职位名称是制造者, 轧机梁过滤机, 结构钢钳工和布置工.
简化个人防护装备搜索, we have assembled unique industry education pages for each 金属加工 sub-industry. 一如既往地, our goal is educating workers on the specific hazards they face and providing many useful resources. 让我们帮助您找到适合您所面临的金属加工危险的最佳安全装备!
Learn more about newbb电子平台安全 product features that protect against these common hazards.
Click "Learn More" to find info on protecting yourself against these hazards and find the right gear for the job.
金属工人暴露在飞散的碎片、颗粒和抛射物中. When metal chipping, you will need goggles and 面盾牌 with 6X greater fog resistance.
newbb电子平台安全生产和供应个人防护装备(newbb电子). 简单地说,我们保护人民! We are known world-wide for our extensive product line depth surrounding gloves, glasses, 服装横跨众多行业. 我们提供的安全装备包括工业手套的总包, 安全眼镜, 防护服装, 焊接设备, 工业的靴子, 阻燃(FR)齿轮, 面盾牌, 还有更多. 仅从手套的角度来看, newbb电子平台安全制造商和供应商超过1家,000只不同款式的手套. 以下是newbb电子平台安全是你选择newbb电子的一些原因:
newbb电子平台安全 is recognized as a global manufacturer stretching across six countries, 拥有分销和制造设施. Our core competency and specialty is manufacturing and supplying protective gloves, glasses, 和服装. newbb电子平台安全网站上显示和提供的信息, 它的安全条款, 行业资源页面, highlighted hazards and safety equipment should be used only as a general reference tool and guide. The end user is solely responsible for determining the suitability of any product selection for a particular application. newbb电子平台安全 makes no guarantee or warranty (expressed or implied) of our products’ performance or protection for particular applications.